R26 - best way to lower seat height ?????

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by R26Man, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Hi All,
    Does anyone have a solution to reducing the height of the drivers (and passenger seat) sub-frames so that the original Recaro's are retained. Any info or links to after market options appreciated.
  2. Send me the bottom of your seats and I'll have them lowered for you by 40-45mm I've had a few sets done for people now, send gray a PM I had his done makes a massive difference , £120 for bothe sets done
  3. Send me the bottom of your seats and I'll have them lowered for you by 40-45mm I've had a few sets done for people now, send gray a PM I had his done makes a massive difference , £120 for both sets done. The sides are cut down and welded back up to factory spec, you won't even tell they've been done.
  4. How long does it roughly take ?
  5. Need to allow 3-4days
  6. Hi, Thanks for the speedy response.
    I will need an address to send them to and what about payment?
    Is 45mm the most reduction possible or can you go more??
  7. It works out to about 43mm from memory, that's the lowest it will go but you can tell the difference
  8. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Just seen your PM R26Man..

    Steve got my seat frames lowered, transformed the car for me! Being tall it was a great improvement for me.
  9. A above Steve's your man, had mine done on my old r26 and the difference was amazing. They look oem as well, well worth it.
  10. Thanks for the reply Gray. I have PM'd STEVE1 asking for address and payment details.
    Thanks again
  11. Replied, cheers for the nice comments, although I do deserve them lol
  12. Steve lowered mine also, makes a huge difference!

  13. Ill put this on my list of things I want to be done .

    Things left

    1) Seats lowered
    2) Coilovers or spring change.
  14. Thanks for putting the pictures on Karl, your a star
  15. I am still really tempted to get this done! You may get a pm from me in a month or two Steve1 :smile:

    Does anyone have any pictures of before/after of the seat int he car?
  16. I'm sure gray will put a picture up for you
  17. How tall are you Kieran out of interest?
  18. I'd say he's about 6 foot 2 as I'm 6 ft
  19. I know that Ed loved his lowered as well and he's tall. Just trying to think if its a worthwhile mod for a 5'10 person. I do like being sat lower in a car so I guess it would be.
  20. I'm 6 ft 1 and it seems like a perfect mod .... its just going without using the car for a few days. May do it over the new year
  21. Hi, Thanks for the photos KarL I am getting the work done via Steve1 and it's great to see the finished article to get a better idea. Good Job!!
  22. They will be sprayed in satin black unless you want them leaving so you can wrap them or spray them yourself
  23. I'm 5'9 and they are perfect.
  24. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    I was going to ask what height people were. I'm a short arse like you Karl.
  25. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Steve is on the money... I am 6ft 2"
  26. Does it leave much room under the seat for any back seat passengers to stick there feet with the seat lowered?
  27. Yeah plenty of room.
  28. R26Man
    seat baces came this morning mate
  29. Steve1
    Thanks for letting me know. Hope the cardboard templates make sense OR maybe other option is to slide the top half back 600mm when welding?
    Look forward to hearing from you soon,
  30. Hi All,
    Just to let you know that I sent the seat bases off to Steve1 to have them lowered and also an extension to "set back" the base by 600mm to give extra legroom. Came back yesterday and the difference is MASSIVE for a tall driver like me. Puts you "in" the car instead of "on" the car and with the lowering by 45mm it's gotta help the handling....if only a little! Changed the steering wheel today for more reach and bingo right on the money! Would recommend if you want to get this done then Steve1 is your man. Thanks a lot mate hope all goes well in the future with these mod's for others.
  31. Thanks for the update Paul glad your happy mate
  32. I can see my seat bases being sent down your way in the new year Steve :wink:

    How much did you charge for this?
  33. Sorry to bump this thread but does anyone know if Steve is still able to do this?

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